Many people have commented on the uniqueness of my family and the way my parents raised their ten children. I am always proud to tell stories of the past. We were brought up without a lot of store-bought devices, toys, and technology. We ate home cooked food that was prepared lovingly, from scratch, and the majority of it, home grown! We were healthy, active, and happy. Saturdays, during school, and weeks, here and there during the summer, consisted of backpacking trips to a variety of canyons, hikes, and our favorite haunts, all over the Western United States. Instead of watching TV, we played games like Capture-the-Flag, Snake-in-the-Grass, Football, Soccer, name it.
I remember being proud to invite friends over because the food was always great and the house was always clean and comfortable (even though we did not have the money for the nicest and newest things). Those kind of things, like the latest clothes and gadgets, simply did not matter to us. This was my beginning and I have come full-circle as I have grown. I want, more than anything else, to give my own children the unique experiences that I had growing up. I want them to look back on these times, with a fond smile, and be proud of their upbringing.