Thursday, November 20, 2008

Midwifery and Homebirths

Anybody who has witnessed or experienced the birth of a newborn child knows that it truly is a miracle. Birth is sacred and beautiful and should be celebrated. Midwife Shafia M. Monroe says:
My role as a midwife is to help a woman and her partner celebrate her newness and embrace her sensuality. The Western culture has taken birth from our view and put it in a place that is hard to find. On television, we see birthing women often in hysteria, sweating profusely, out of control and not looking pretty. Pregnancy has been mystified as nasty and not a nice thing; it is thought of as a shameful and an unclean act.

I have heard many stories of hospital births from friends and family members. Each woman described their experience with some margin of disappointment; something still left to be desired. Yet the majority of them fear the thought of having a natural childbirth, let alone a homebirth. Why? Because we live in a nation of fear. Women have been told for far too long that hospital births are the only safe births. That doctors should control and decide every factor of pregnancy and labor. Women have effectively been silenced.

The reality is that hospitals have never been proven to be a safe place for delivery. The 2002 statistics, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ranks the U.S. as 28th among industrialized nations for healthy births at 7 infant deaths per 1000 births. Furthermore, a study reported in the BMJ Medical Journal in 2005, stated that homebirths have been proven "very safe and successful for women who have been helped to stay low-risk through nutrition and good prenatal care."

I feel incredibly fortunate that my first birthing experience went well. I owe it all to the loving guidance, support, and expertise of my midwife. She inspired me to trust in my own body, forgo drugs, and to feel my birth. She told me that I did not have to wait until I was 10 cm dilated to start bearing down. I was only 5 cm dilated when I began to have strong urges to push. Initially I was frightened to let go and the pain became intense. When I finally relaxed and let my body respond with each contraction, I became fully dilated quickly. 20 minutes later, my first son was born: healthy and beautiful.

My dream is that women everywhere begin reclaiming their womanhood. I want them to let their voices be heard. I wish that their fear would dissipate and be replaced with confidence of self and of faith in the miracle of birth so that birth customs will once again become a family affair, rather than one of solidarity and segregation. Husbands, fathers and mothers, and other siblings will be full participants and be filled with feelings of compassion and togetherness. After all, the delivery of a child should always be special and the experience, one to look back on and smile.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

Vaccines are capable of causing serious damage. Because they contain lab-altered viruses, bacteria and toxic substances, vaccines have the ability to cause mild to severe neurological and immune damage, or even death, depending on the vaccine given, the combination of vaccines given, the health of the child at the time of vaccination, and the genetic or biological factors that predispose the child to this damage. Vaccines are potent and toxic drugs that contain formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, antibiotics and other toxic components. Thoughtful parents are beginning to question the practice of injecting these toxic substances into the bodies of small babies and artificially manipulating their fragile immune systems during the crucial time of brain and immune development (Sheppard, 2008).

My husband and I decided, early on, not to vaccinate our children. This decision has been met with an onslaught of criticism. Over the years, I have heard accusations stating that we are putting our children's health, and subsequently their lives, at risk, as well as those of the public around us. In fact, some blatantly tell us that public health officials and doctors say they are safe and necessary, so who are we to question the "experts"?

I do not get into a heated debate over the issues, however, I will put forth the fact that the data and studies, on this matter, are full of holes and carry with them a slew of limitations. In all my personal decisions, especially those of such great importance as my children's lives, I consider first what and who is to gain from pushing a product so vehemently. Everything, in our society, is driven by money. To think that the vaccine-campaign is unique to this is absurd.

According to Jane Sheppard (author of Vaccine Toxicity and Safety of Vaccinations: A Parent's Right to Choose), "In the past 25 years, EVERY childhood vaccine, produced by drug companies, has been mandated for use by all American children. Many members of both the ACIP and the FDA's advisory committees have blatant conflicts of interest, with strong financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines (2008)."

Dr. Neustaedter (author of Vaccine Choices) reminds parents that it is not only their right to choose to vaccinate, but he also explains that we should investigate and research the issue in depth before making any decision. Government agencies, public school officials, and medical personnel often coerce parents into thinking they do not have a choice. However, in the U.S., we have a legal right to exempt our children from vaccines, even if they are or will be attending public school!

There are many great resources available on vaccinations. Be informed.


The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults by Randall Neustaedter, OMD.

Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents by Randall Neustaedter, OMD.

Super Healthy Kids: Strengthening Your Child's Resistance to Disease by Jane Sheppard.

Sheppard, J. (2008) Vaccine Toxicity and Safety of Vaccinations: A Parent's Right to Choose. Retrieved on 19 November from

Palevsky, L. B. MD, FAAP. Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?

Sears, R. W. MD, Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal?, MOTHERING No. 146, January-February 2008, pp. 46-53.

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary

Institute for Vaccine Safety, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health - Thimerosal Content in Some US Licensed Vaccines

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

Congressman Dan Burton, Hearings on vaccine-autism connection

Special Report: Autism & Vaccines: A New Look at an Old Story, The Vaccine Reaction, published by National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Summer 2000

Opening Statement by Chairman Dan Burton, Committee on Government Reform, “FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development: Preserving the Integrity of the Process”, June 15, 2000 Washington DC

Majority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives
June 15, 2000

The Case Against Immunizatons, Richard Moskowitz, M. D. Journal of the AIH, March 1983

How Vaccinations Work, Philip Incao, M.D . May 5, 1999 Updated 2006

The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults, Randall Neustaedter, OMD 2002

Generation Rescue Cal-Oregon Unvaccinated Survey

Vaccine Safety Research Priorities: Engaging the Public, Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, presentation to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, Washington, D.C., April 11, 2008

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study CBS News Exclusive: Former Head Of NIH Says Government Too Quick To Dismiss Possible Link, WASHINGTON, May 12, 2008 Sharyl Attkisson

Monday, November 17, 2008

Maca Root

Maca root, or lepidium meyenii, comes fom the Junin plateau of Peru's Central Highlands and was revered by the Incan people. It is an adaptogen, which is an herb that produces a non-specific response in the body; increasing or decreasing a physiological demand as needed. Simply put, an adaptogen has a normalizing effect on the body. Because of this, maca helps rebuild a weak immune system and increases energy, endurance, and stamina without putting stress on the adrenal glands, like caffeine does.

According to Chris Kilham (2008), from Discovery Health, "during the height of the Incan empire, legend has it that Incan warriors would consume maca before entering into battle. This would make them fiercely strong." In addition to this increase in strength, it increases libido, sexual function, and fertility. So what gives maca it's powers?

Scientists have found two major groups of compounds which make up the maca root: macamides and macaenes. These help normalize steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, making maca an effective anti-aging super food. Safety has also been tested. Studies showed that it carries no toxicity and no adverse pharmacologic effects.

The popularity and availability of maca root has definitely increased since the release of these positive studies. Most health food stores now carry a good quality, naturally dried, non-irradiated powder, which can be mixed in a shake or drink. It should be treated like a food and as such, anywhere from 3-10 grams a day can be consumed.