Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like'. They are constructed by placing a tiny amount of the remedy in a dilution. I have a kit at home, which looks like a mini chest of drawers, that is filled with some of my favorite remedies. I don't think it's any secret that my husband and I shun the conventional medical world. Personally, I choose to take our health in our own hands. Along with treating ourselves, we have been treating our children (since they were just babies) with homeopathy, as needed.
My basic philosophy is to try the simplest route first, then move on to the next phase if necessary. I have detailed the steps to healing in another article. Here is a list of my favorite remedies to have on hand, along with arnica montana (which I also wrote about in another article):
allium cepa- headache, burning, tearing eyes with runny nose, toothache, and earache. Also used for allergies, hayfever, and laryngitis.
antimonium tartaricum- respiratory conditions, rattling of mucus with little expectoration, drowsiness, chills, and spasmodic cough.
apis mellifica- swelling, pain, and inflammation associated with insect bites and stings.
arsenicum album- restlessness, exhaustion, feelings of despair, fear or worry, depression.
belladonna- high sudden fever and perspiration, hot, red skin, flushed face, spasms, scarlet fever.
bryonia alba- aching muscles aggravated by motion, stitching pains.
calcarea carbonica- chills and susceptibility to cold, night sweats, commonly used for teething.
chamomilla- teething pain with irritability.
cinchona officinalis- diarrhea with gas and bloating.
colocynthis- sharp pains, cramps, colic, abdominal pain often with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, menstrual cramps.
drosera rotundifolia- violent coughs with exhaustion, cramps, absence of thirst, shivering, nosebleeds. Also used for growing pains, bone pain, stiffness or hoarse voice.
dulcamara- conjunctivitis, cystitis, wheezing cough. Also used for hives, ringworm, itchy crusting eruptions and large smooth warts.
eupatorium perfoliatum- stiffness and bone pain associated with the Flu.
ferrum phosporicum- low or mild fever associated with cold and Flu.
hepar sulphuris calcareum- painful and hoarse dry cough.