Monday, November 17, 2008

Maca Root

Maca root, or lepidium meyenii, comes fom the Junin plateau of Peru's Central Highlands and was revered by the Incan people. It is an adaptogen, which is an herb that produces a non-specific response in the body; increasing or decreasing a physiological demand as needed. Simply put, an adaptogen has a normalizing effect on the body. Because of this, maca helps rebuild a weak immune system and increases energy, endurance, and stamina without putting stress on the adrenal glands, like caffeine does.

According to Chris Kilham (2008), from Discovery Health, "during the height of the Incan empire, legend has it that Incan warriors would consume maca before entering into battle. This would make them fiercely strong." In addition to this increase in strength, it increases libido, sexual function, and fertility. So what gives maca it's powers?

Scientists have found two major groups of compounds which make up the maca root: macamides and macaenes. These help normalize steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, making maca an effective anti-aging super food. Safety has also been tested. Studies showed that it carries no toxicity and no adverse pharmacologic effects.

The popularity and availability of maca root has definitely increased since the release of these positive studies. Most health food stores now carry a good quality, naturally dried, non-irradiated powder, which can be mixed in a shake or drink. It should be treated like a food and as such, anywhere from 3-10 grams a day can be consumed.