Friday, January 2, 2009

It's Time for Change

Many people are overwhelmed with the idea of eating well. Just thinking about what kind of changes they will need to make to their daily lifestyle puts their head into a spinning frenzy. Where does one even begin? I think the first step should be to retrain the brain...the overall concept of what "eating well" means. Does it mean you cannot enjoy the food you consume? Absolutely not, but a considerable amount of people think that is exactly what needs to happen.

I have written quite a few articles now on challenging mainstream notions of healthy eating. I also want you all to know that you can do it while enjoying your food. Acknowledging and pleasing your taste buds is what will help you stick to the program! And in the process, you can look your best. I promise you.

I am living proof. I eat and live exactly like I write about. My family does as well. Of course, we also exercise, abstain from drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and stimulants. I even got ready for my competitions using the same principles! The most recent competition I was in, the Max Muscle Naturals in Anaheim, California, was March 2006. The only changes I made to my nutrition plan, was in my carb intake. Three months prior to the show, I used a carb cycle plan I wrote up for myself. I had a low carb day, which was never less than 50 grams of carbs per day, then medium carb day, followed by a high carb day, and I repeated this for the three month duration.

I thought you might like to see the pictures of the event. Usually, I am softer (a little more filled out), but still lean and athletic-looking. My eating plan, for the show, helped accent my cuts. I took first place in my class.